Saturday, July 18, 2009

Post Surgery Day 2

Hey everybody,

Nathanael here. Mom and Dad are still in Nashville. They asked me to update everyone. The official word on the tumor was "total gross removal." This means they are pretty sure they were able to remove it completely. (They never say one-hundred percent apparently.) This is good news and an answer to prayer. Also, they did not have to do any bone grafting or put in screws. This is good as if either of those was needed it could potentially have meant future limitations in mobility. We are still waiting for the report on the tumor type. That has to come back from a lab. We'll know more about that in a couple of weeks.

Right now we are taking things one day at a time. Hannah was allowed to sit up today at noon for the first time since surgery. She worked some with the hospital's physical therapist and walked on her own power. She was also able to change into some comfortable pajamas. We are anticipating she will be in the hospital for a few more days but will be discharged soon. We are praying for a speedy and safe recovery.

My Mom and Dad would want all of you to know how blessed they have been by your prayers during this time. Our entire family has felt God's blessings and guidance through this process. Thank you for your prayers for Hannah through this time and as she recovers.


  1. Fabulous update!!! Thank you!

  2. Great news. Yea, and thank you Lord. Hannah, your faith is being built in ways only the Lord would understand. In time, you will see more clearly His hand in every moment. After several serious health issues in our family, I would recommend journeling every detail or Mom can help you do this. In 20 years, you will be reading the faithfulness of God to someone, family and/or friend. God is faithful in every single tiny detail....even things unseen now. "When you can't see His hand, just trust His heart." .....for He is totally for you in every trial. -Mr. LaMacchia

  3. Such wonderful news! Looking forward to having you in class in the fall as planned! :-)

  4. Praise God for such good news! I'm close by Vandy if you need the comforts of home and friend! Love, Evelyn Farris Raines

  5. Such wonderful news!!! Thank you Nathanael for the updates. Please tell your family hello from the Wichs and tell Hannah I'll be continuing to pray for her recovery. God is so good! Love, Cynthia Wich

  6. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!! Thanks Nathanael for keeping us updated. Hannah's quick recovery and good report on the tumor remain in our prayers.
